Name: {name}
Übersetzt seit: {translator_since}
Aus: {from}
Bereits mit Ihnen gearbeitet: {collaboration}

Nativy Connect

nativy translations
Description Sends a chat message to the translator to a particular order. The chat response of the translator will be automatically posted to your callbacklink (specified by you before in /order POST) with the orderid and message_id as parameters.
URL /connect/order/{orderid}/chat

api_key (required) string The public API key of the user. (Details: Authentication )
timestamp (required) string The current UTC timestamp (seconds from 1/1/1970 until UTC now). (Details: Authentication )
api_sign (required) string The timestamp encoded with HMAC SHA1 in use of the private key. (Details: Authentication )
orderid (required) string The unique id of the order (GUID transformed string).
message (required) string The chat message that should be sent to the translator.

Example call

                $url = 'http://localhost/connect/order';
        	    $api_key = 'iQU5lBuEjYFDx2EU2o>bp*202K^Bmie3d}pg-pU^MZ&%mobYM&x7SHY+41u7PHEh';
        	    $private_key = '4i2j_F|=lUqNTxPMxtxsX-veXJ)i+w(hq[_J&(k{Pn[jyT&)xt*Usp3K%B_jv{tP';
        	    $timestamp = gmdate('U');
	            $hmac = hash_hmac('sha1', $timestamp, $private_key); 
	            $orderid = 'AEA59427-5130-2DFC-8CBB-5E9D88BF6659';
	            $message = 'What does the word Schneeketten mean?';
	            $url = $url 
	        		    . '/' . $orderid . '/chat'
	        		    . '?api_key=' . urlencode($api_key) 
	        		    . '&api_sign=' . urlencode($hmac) 
	        		    . '×tamp=' . urlencode($timestamp)
	        		    . '&message=' . urlencode($message);

	            $ch = curl_init($url); 
	            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); 
	            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PUT, 1);
	            $response = curl_exec($ch);

        	    echo ($response);

No return parameters (check for HTTP 200 OK after your request).