Name: {name}
Translator since: {translator_since}
From: {from}
Collaboration with you: {collaboration}

Nativy Connect

nativy translations
Description Returns all chat messages between the client and translator to a specific order. You may provide the message_id parameter if you want to receive a specific message.
URL /connect/order/{orderid}/chat

api_key (required) string The public API key of the user. (Details: Authentication )
timestamp (required) string The current UTC timestamp (seconds from 1/1/1970 until UTC now). (Details: Authentication )
api_sign (required) string The timestamp encoded with HMAC SHA1 in use of the private key. (Details: Authentication )
orderid (required) string The unique id of the order (GUID transformed string).
message_id  string The id of a specific message you want to receive.

Example call

                $url = '';
        	    $api_key = 'iQU5lBuEjYFDx2EU2o>bp*202K^Bmie3d}pg-pU^MZ&%mobYM&x7SHY+41u7PHEh';
        	    $private_key = '4i2j_F|=lUqNTxPMxtxsX-veXJ)i+w(hq[_J&(k{Pn[jyT&)xt*Usp3K%B_jv{tP';
        	    $timestamp = gmdate('U');
	            $hmac = hash_hmac('sha1', $timestamp, $private_key); 
	            $orderid = 'AEA59427-5130-2DFC-8CBB-5E9D88BF6659';
	            $url = $url
			        . '/' . $orderid . '/chat'
			        . '?api_key=' . urlencode($api_key) 
			        . '&api_sign=' . urlencode($hmac) 
			        . '×tamp=' . urlencode($timestamp);
			        // optional: query a specific message_id:
			        //. '&message_id=' . urlencode('DC1F4DE4-7137-46B1-B38D-E5ACFDC3331A');

	            $ch = curl_init($url); 
	            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); 
	            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); 
	            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "GET");
	            $response = curl_exec($ch);

        	    echo ($response);

Return parameters

client_picture_link  string A link to nativy which returns the picture of the client 50x50px.
message  string The chat message to be sent.
message_id  string The unique ID of the message (GUID).
sender  string The person who sent the message. Possible values are "translator" or "client".
timestamp  string Date and time when the message was sent. (seconds from 1/1/1970, already converted into the client's local timezone)
translator_firstname  string The first name of the translator that you may show in your chat window.
translator_picture_link  string A link to nativy which returns the picture of the translator 50x50px.

Example return values

             "message":"What does the word Schneeketten mean?",
             "message":"Schneeketten are chains for the car to drive in the snow.",